May 2023
Art in the Garden and on the Street
Garden Art has been a favorite of mine since I was a little girl. When I visit gardens, private or public, I am charmed by the flowers and enchanted by the landscape stone, but the sculpture and fountains are dearest to my heart, like the Three-tier Savona Fountain above.
I want to share some standout pieces from this year’s Azalea Tour and highlight a newly completed project in downtown Wilmington’s historic district.

Photo by Bernie Baker
Art on the Street
Thanks to eight volunteers from the Cape Fear Garden Club, along with staff from the City of Wilmington Parks Department, the median at 3rd and Market Street was recently transformed into a new garden. Says club member Cathy Poulos:
So many people driving by rolled down their windows to speak encouraging words, thanking us for making this median beautiful. The entire project was one of our Azalea Disbursement grants that the city applied for and Civic Improvements committee helped to facilitate.

Photo by Bernie Baker
The central feature on the median is a newly planted Savannah Urn and Whispering Pool made by Unique Stone.

You may have noticed Unique Stone’s work at the Smith’s Ribbon Cutting Garden #1 where a new 3-tier Italian Fountain stood proud as any antique. It is an exact replica of its previous self.
Unique Stone – History in the Making
This North Carolina vendor has been creating historical reproductions for over thirty years. They source rare and unusual antique garden statuary from all over the world to create replicas indistinguishable from their originals. You can browse their catalog here.
Campania International, another of Stone Garden’s favorite “Made-in the USA” vendors, was featured in George and Cynthia Boylan’s Garden #2.

Photo by Sarah Anderson
Sarah Anderson of Joyscapes designed and planted this new garden. The centerpiece is a beautiful Longwood Laurel Banded Urn and Tall Lenox Pedestal by Campania International.
Campania – The Beauty of Authenticity
Campania has been a premier designer, manufacturer and distributor of fine garden accents out of Pennsylvania since 1983. They consistently set trends and industry standards. Enjoy browsing their products here.

This lovely angel graces Garden #4: Green Acres, home of Tom Faust and Gregg Thomas. The 42″ statue, Angel with Roses by Massarelli’s, was purchased as a tribute to Gregg’s mom, Bettie W. Thomas.
Massarelli’s – Makers of Fine Stone Garden Accents
This cast stone ornament company began in New Jersey in 1972 with just one man: then 17-year-old Mario Massarelli. Today, it has become a leader in the garden center industry producing pieces for nearly 2,000 dealers in all 50 states and Canada – and Mario is still on the job. Check out their products here.
Lastly, we have a DIY dragonfly created by Brook and Peter Dorosko at Garden #11.

The imaginative combination of flagstone and colorful River Jaxs creates a unique artistic expression in their Landfall garden.
I hope you have enjoyed this tour of our favorite garden accents and the companies that create them.