April 2020
Fabulous Flower Bed Creation
During these days of social distancing, many people are beautifying their landscapes by adding flower beds and Victory Gardens. Here’s one story of a determined woman who decided to take on the project by herself.
(Photos and captions by Cathy Poulos)

Cathy Poulos is a Wilmington Pediatric Physical Therapist by day, an amazing Artist and Floral Designer by night and long-term member of the Cape Fear Garden Club .

Cathy wanted to make a flower cutting garden in her back yard using the raised bed technique. She called me and together we planned out how much material she would need for the job.

The soils were put in our “no-mess” supersacks and then loaded on our piggy back forklift truck so that all materials were delivered together.
1 pallet TN Wallstone
1 supersack compost
1 supersack topsoil
Cathy shared her progress and photos with me daily. Here is her story.

Ordered stone, dirt and compost from Stone Garden. Thanks Nina for your guidance!

Before long, I realized I was almost in over my head – it was going to take a jillion wheelbarrow loads to fill that 8 x 12 foot plot and line it with stones.

I was so proud of myself to learn how to drive our lawn tractor and it greatly eased my work in transporting the compost and dirt.

I did all of the work myself! It was a big job but very satisfying. I took the rest of the stone and lined on either side for a distance.

The whole garden is seeded with flowers now so I should have a bountiful harvest.

Please see more about Cathy Poulos here or check out her lovely art work.