July 2019
Just Add Water
Since we are approaching the Dog Days of Summer, it’s time to head for the water. Our July issue takes a refreshing glimpse of local ponds and pools. Above is a spectacular pool with a waterfall by Cape Fear Water Gardens at the Moulder residence, featured on the 2019 Azalea Garden Tour. (Photo by Renee Sauer.)

Above are some happy campers, enjoying a Hampstead pond built by Jeff Stevens in 2005 with boulders from his New York quarry.

This handsome waterfall, built in 2014 by Caribbean Pools at the Alberts’ residence, was constructed using our Shawnee Mountain veneer . The thin cut pieces, with a flat back, are made by slicing the faces off of full-depth stone.

Josh Rickards of Creative Cascades built this cheerful water feature at the McCabe residence which was featured on the 2019 Azalea Garden Tour. (Photo by Renee Sauer.)

The Finley pond was constructed by bringing together three master contractors. Cape Fear Water Gardens built the pond, Graystone of Wilmington installed the bluestone patio, and Outdoor Illumination set it all off with multi-color pond lighting.