May 2021
Public Gardens – Private Peace
As more folks are getting vaccinated, public gardens make the perfect place for an outing with family and friends. In this month’s Newsletter I share some exciting local possibilities including a recent visit to my most favorite place, Brookgreen Gardens.
Harbor Way Gardens
Self-guided tours weave among member-created floral and horticultural arrangements. Delight at treasures including the Children’s Fountain, a meditative labyrinth and this quaint shed.

Discover fun touches like this colorful birdhouse nestled amongst the greenery.
Harbor Way is the only public garden in NC to showcase Witherspoon Roses.
New Hanover Public Gardens
The other two public gardens in New Hanover County are:

The Arboretum

Airlie Gardens
NC Public Gardens Website
Use this interactive map from NC State that links you to gardens all over North Carolina to create your next outdoor adventure.
Brookgreen Gardens
In addition to public gardens nearby, there is a spectacular, private garden, open to the public, just south of Myrtle Beach. Brookgreen was founded in 1931 by Archer Huntington and his wife, sculptor Anna Hyatt Huntington, to showcase American figurative sculpture and Southeast plants and animals. It now presents over 2,000 works by 430 artists. It’s a truly magical place. Here’s a glimpse.

“The Visionaries” by Anna Hyatt Huntington (1876-1973)

“Lion” by Anna Hyatt Huntington (1876-1973)

“Boy with Dolphin” by Milton Horn (1906-1995)

“Diana of the Chase” created in 1922 by Anna Hyatt Huntington

“Samson and the Lion” by Gleb W. Derujinsky (1888-1975)

“Vase” by Robert Alexander Baillie (1880-1961)
Native Plant Guide
For those of you wishing to create, or add to, your own sanctuary at home, check out this Coastal Landscaping Guide that details native plants perfect for our environment.

Stone Garden Inspiration Garden