Premium Mulch & Pine Straw

stone garden mascot white border collie dog on pile of fresh brown mulch

Premium Mulch

Our premium mulches and pine straw are of the finest quality and are always fresh.

Benefits of mulching:

  1. Retains moisture in your soil.
  2. Helps with weed control.
  3. Decreases soil erosion.
  4. Improves soil health.
  5. Protects plants from summer heat and winter cold.

Delivery or Pick Up

Please call for a quote:   910-452-1619

man on tractor loading mulch into delivery dump truck in stone garden's stoneyard on a sunny day
What's a Cubic Yard?

Mulch Drivers Gone Mad

Spend 30 seconds to see how our talented 4-year-old Weekend Warriors load mulch … and have a good time doing it.

boy in a yellow hard hat at stone garden sitting in a tractor