April 2020
Measuring for Mulch
It’s the time of year for a fresh layer of mulch. A major stumbling block for many homeowners is MEASURING …. because it involves MATH which can lead to …. ANXIETY. We are here to help.

Most people don’t think in square feet and cubic yards, but these are key figures used to determine how much mulch is needed. Let me walk you through the process below. To skip the math, just go to the calculator on our website.

Step 1. Measure the length and width of your beds to get square footage.
Step 2. Decide on a depth. Usually two to three inches.
Step 3. Divide your square footage by the number on the cheat sheet above. For example, a 10 x 15 area at 3″ deep would be:
150 ÷ 100 = 1.5 cubic yards
Step 4. Select your mulch by color or type.
Step 5. Schedule a delivery or pick up with your truck or trailer.
Step 6. Rally your kids (like Tom Sawyer), tackle the job yourself, or hire a contractor.
Step 7. Sit back and enjoy the transformation. Your plants will thank you.

Double Shredded Hardwood

Cypress (Playground)



Pine Straw or Mulch?

Pine straw lasts longer than mulch, is lightweight and provides acidity to soil which some plants, like azaleas, thrive in. However, it can be trickier than mulch to estimate so use the calculator at the bottom of the page on our website to help you determine how many bales you need.